Computer Algebra in Coding Theory and Cryptography CACTC 2015






Accepted Talks

  1. Paper Title: Trial set and Gröbner bases for binary codes.

    Authors: M. Borges-Quintana, M.A. Borges-Trenard and E. Martínez-Moro.

  2. Paper Title: Geometric and Computational Approach to Classical and Quatum Secret Sharing.

    Authors: R. Matsumoto and D. Ruano.

  3. Paper Title: Quatum codes with bounded minimum distance.

    Authors: C. Galindo, F. Hernando and D. Ruano.

  4. Paper Title: Refined analysis of RGHWs of code pairs coming from García-Stichtenoth's second tower.

    Authors: O. Geil, S. Martin, U. Martínez-Peñas and D. Ruano.

  5. Paper Title: A new approach to the key equation and to the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm.

    Authors: M. Bras-Amorós, M.E. O'Sullivan and M. Pujol.

  6. Paper Title: On $\mathbb Z_{p^r}\mathbb Z_{p^s}$-additive cyclic codes.

    Authors: J. Borges, C. Fernández-Córdoba and R. Ten-Valls.

  7. Paper Title: PD-sets for (nonlinear) Hadamard $Z_4$-linear codes.

    Authors: R. D. Barrolleta and M. Villanueva.

  8. Paper Title: Kronecker sums to construct Hadamard full propelinear codes of type $C_nQ_8$.

    Authors: J. Rifá and E. Suárez-Canedo.

  9. Paper Title: A Message Encryption Scheme Using Idempotent Semirings.

    Authors: M. Durcheva.

  10. Paper Title: Simplicial topological coding and homology of spin networks

    Authors: V. Berec

  11. Paper Title: Code-Based Cryptosystems Using Generalized Concatenated Codes.

    Authors: K. Ishak, S. Müelich, S. Puchinger and M. Bossert.

  12. Paper Title: Nearly Sparse Linear Algebra and application to the Discrete Logarithm Problem.

    Authors: A. Joux and C. Pierrot.


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