Personal Homepage for Diego Ruano
Diego Ruano
Associate Professor of Mathematics (ES: Profesor Titular de Universidad, Álgebra)
Research group SINGACOM
Department of Algebra, Analysis, Geometry and Topology
IMUVA-Mathematics Research Institute
University of Valladolid, Spain
Research interests
Coding Theory, Cryptography, Computer Algebra, Algebraic Geometry
Professional Service
- Academic secretary, IMUVA-Mathematics Research Institute, June 2023- .
- Area editor, JACODESMATH-Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications.
- Local coordinator, at Valladolid's node, of the DAM Network-Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Network (Red de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica)
- Delegate, at the University of Valladolid, of the RSME (Royal Spanish Mathematical Society).
- Reviewer, MathSciNet and Zentralblatt MATH.
- Scientific committee, IMUVA-Mathematics Research Institute at the University of Valladolid, 2021- .
- Organizer, SecureCAT, Follow-up workshop, Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia, Spain), January 10th-12th 2024 .
- Organizer, PhD course "Sobre los fundamentos multidisciplinarios de la inteligencia artificial matemática o metamatemática cognitivo computacional", Valladolid, November 7th-9th 2023.
- Organizer, PhD course "Introducción a la computación cuántica (sin la física)", Valladolid, April 26th-27th 2023.
- Organizer, SecureCAT, Kick-off workshop, Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia, Spain), January 22nd-26th 2023.
- Organizer, International School on Tropical Geometry, Valladolid,
May 25th-29th 2020 May 23rd-27th 2022.
- Organizer, minisymposium "Algebraic Coding Theory and Information Theory" at ICIAM 2019, Valencia, Spain 2019.
- Organizer, GAS Seminar and virtual GAS Seminar, Research Group SINGACOM at the University of Valladolid, 2018-2021.
- Organizer, Dune Workshop on Secrets, Skagen, Denmark 2017.
- Organizer, 4th AGINCC workshop, Skagen, Denmark 2013.
- Organizer, CACT, special session at ACA 2008, RISC, Austria 2008.
- Organizer, II Singacom Thematic Seminar, Segovia, Spain 2007.
- Organizer, YMIS 05, YMIS 06, YMIS 07, YMIS 08, Sedano, Spain 2005-2008.
- Scientific committee, MatSI, IMAC and Singacom Day on Algebraic Applications to Information Theory. University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain October, 15th-16th 2024.
- Scientific committee, Discrete Mathematics Days 2024. Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares (Spain), July 3rd-5th 2024 Spain.
- Scientific committee, Fifth IMAC and Singacom Day on Algebraic Applications to Information Theory. University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain December, 14th-15th 2021.
- Scientific committee, V Congreso de Jovenes Investigadores de la RSME, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain 2020.
- Local comittee, Workshop on Applications of Algebraic Geometry in Secret Sharing and Coding Theory, Aalborg, Denmark 2014.
- Local comittee, S3CM 08, S3CM 09, S3CM 10, Soria, Spain 2008-2010.
Publications (and citations) at Google Scholar, MathSciNet, ORCID, Scopus, Web of Science, Zentralblatt MATH.
Papers submitted for publication:
- C. Galindo, F. Hernando, C. Munuera, D. Ruano: Locally recoverable codes from the matrix-product construction (2023). [preprint]
Papers in journals:
- D. Ruano, R. San-José: The hull variation problem for projective Reed-Muller codes and quantum error-correcting codes. Accepted for publication at Journal of Algebra and Its Applications (2025). [preprint] [paper]
- Ş. Bodur, E. Martínez-Moro, D. Ruano: Single server private information retrieval protocols with codes over rings. Accepted for publication at Journal of Algebra and Its Applications (2025). [preprint] [paper]
- D. Ruano, R. San-José: Hulls of projective Reed-Muller codes over the projective plane. SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry. Volume 8, Issue 4, pages 846-876 (2024). [preprint] [paper]
- E. Camps-Moreno, H.H. López, G.L. Matthews, D. Ruano, R. San-José, I. Soprunov: An algebraic characterization of binary CSS-T codes and cyclic CSS-T codes for quantum fault tolerance. Quantum Information Processing. Volume 23, 230 (2024). [GitHub repository for codes] [preprint] [paper (open access)]
- S.E. Anderson, E. Camps-Moreno, H.H. López, G.L. Matthews, D. Ruano, I. Soprunov: Relative hulls and quantum codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Volume 70, Issue 5, pages 3190-3201 (2024). [preprint] [paper]
- P. Gimenez, D. Ruano, R. San-José: Subfield subcodes of projective Reed-Muller codes. Finite Fields and their Applications. Volume 94, 102353 (2024). [eprint] [paper (open access)]
- P. Gimenez, D. Ruano, R. San-José: Entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes from subfield subcodes of projective Reed-Solomon codes. Computational and Applied Mathematics 42, 363 (2023). [eprint] [paper (open access)]
- P. Gimenez, D. Ruano, R. San-José: Saturation and vanishing ideals. São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Volume 17, pages 147-155 (2023). [preprint] [paper]
- C. Galindo, F. Hernando, H. Martín-Cruz, D. Ruano: Stabilizer quantum codes defined by trace-depending polynomials. Finite Fields and their Applications. Volume 87, 102138 (2023) [preprint] [paper (open access)]
- R.B. Christensen, C. Munuera, F.R.F. Pereira, D. Ruano: An algorithmic approach to entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes from the Hermitian curve. Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Volume 17, pages 78-97 (2023). [preprint] [paper]
- C. Galindo, F. Hernando, D. Ruano: Entanglement-assisted quantum error correcting codes from RS codes and BCH codes with extension degree 2. Quantum Information Processing 20, 158 (2021). [eprint] [paper]
- I. García-Marco, I. Márquez-Corbella, D. Ruano: High dimensional affine codes whose square has a designed minimum distance. Designs, Codes and Cryptography. Volume 88, pages 1653-1672 (2020). [eprint] [paper]
- C. Galindo, F. Hernando, R. Matsumoto, D. Ruano: Asymmetric entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes and BCH codes. IEEE Access. Volume 8, pages 18571-18579 (2020). [eprint] [paper (open access)]
- I. Cascudo, J.S. Gundersen, D. Ruano: Squares of Matrix-product Codes. Finite Fields and their Applications. Volume 62, 101606 (2020). [eprint] [paper]
- I. Cascudo, J.S. Gundersen, D. Ruano: Improved Bounds on the Threshold Gap in Ramp Secret Sharing. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Volume 65, Issue 7, pages 4620-4633 (2019). [eprint] [paper]
- O. Geil, F. Özbudak, D. Ruano: Constructing sequences with high nonlinear complexity using the Weierstrass semigroup of a pair of distinct points of a Hermitian curve. Semigroup Forum. Volume 98, Issue 3, pages 543-555 (2019). [eprint] [paper]
- C. Galindo, F. Hernando, D. Ruano: Classical and quantum evaluation codes at the trace roots. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Volume 65, Issue 4, pages 2593-2602 (2019). [eprint] [paper]
- C. Galindo, F. Hernando, R. Matsumoto, D. Ruano: Entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes over arbitrary finite fields. Quantum Information Processing 18:116 (2019). [eprint] [paper (open access)] [erratum]
- C. Galindo, O. Geil, F. Hernando, D. Ruano: New binary and ternary LCD codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Volume 65, Issue 2, pages 1008-1016 (2019). [eprint] [paper]
- D.E. Lucani, M.V. Pedersen, D. Ruano, C.W. Sørensen, F.H.P. Fitzek, J. Heide, O. Geil, V. Nguyen, M. Reisslein: Fulcrum: Flexible Network Coding for Heterogeneous Devices. IEEE Access. Volume 6, pages 77890-77910 (2018) [paper (open access)] [erratum]
- C. Galindo, O. Geil, F. Hernando, D. Ruano: Improved constructions of nested code pairs. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Volume 64, Issue 4, pages 2444-2459 (2018). [eprint] [paper]
- O. Geil, S. Martin, U. Martínez-Peñas, R. Matsumoto, D. Ruano: On asymptotically good ramp secret sharing schemes. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences. Volume E100-A, Number 12, pages 2699-2708 (2017) [eprint] [paper]
- C. Galindo, O. Geil, F. Hernando, D. Ruano: On the distance of stabilizer quantum codes from J-affine variety codes. Quantum Information Processing. Volume 16, Issue 4, 16:111 (2017). [eprint] [paper]
- O. Geil, S. Martin, U. Martínez-Peñas, D. Ruano: Refined analysis of RGHWs of code pairs coming from Garcia-Stichtenoth's second tower. Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications. Volume 4, Issue 1, pages 37-47 (2017) [eprint] [paper (open access)]
- R. Matsumoto, D. Ruano, O. Geil: List decoding algorithm based on voting in Gröbner bases for general one-point AG codes. Journal of Symbolic Computation. Volume 79, Part 2, pages 384-410 (2017). [eprint] [paper]
- C. Galindo, F. Hernando, D. Ruano: Stabilizer quantum codes from J-affine variety codes and a new Steane-like enlargement. Quantum Information Processing. Volume 14, Issue 9, pages 3211-3231 (2015). [eprint] [paper]
- C. Galindo, F. Hernando, D. Ruano: New quantum codes from evaluation and matrix-product codes. Finite Fields and their Applications. Volume 36, pages 98-120 (2015). [eprint] [paper (open access)]
- O. Geil, S. Martin, R. Matsumoto, D. Ruano, Y. Luo: Relative generalized Hamming weights of one-point algebraic geometric codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Volume 60, Issue 10, pages 5938-5949 (2014). [eprint] [paper]
- I. Márquez-Corbella, E. Martínez-Moro, R. Pellikaan, D. Ruano: Computational Aspects of Retrieving a Representation of an Algebraic Geometry Code. Journal of Symbolic Computation. Volume 64, pages 67-87 (2014). [eprint] [paper (open access)]
- O. Geil, R. Matsumoto, D. Ruano: Feng-Rao decoding of primary codes. Finite Fields and their Applications. Volume 23, pages 35-52 (2013). [eprint] [paper (open access)]
- F. Hernando, M. O'Sullivan, D. Ruano: List decoding of repeated codes. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing. Volume 24, Issue 3-4, pages 237-253 (2013). [eprint] [paper]
- R. Matsumoto, D. Ruano, O. Geil: Generalization of the Lee-O'Sullivan list decoding for one-point AG codes. Journal of Symbolic Computation. Volume 55, pages 1-9 (2013). [eprint] [paper (open access)]
- F. Hernando, D. Ruano: Decoding of matrix-product codes. Journal of Algebra and its Applications. Volume 12, Issue 4, Article ID 1250185, 15 pages (2013). [eprint] [paper]
- P. Beelen, D. Ruano: Bounding the number of points on a curve using a generalization of Weierstrass semigroups. Designs, Codes and Cryptography. Volume 66, Issue 1-3, pages 221-230 (2013). [eprint] [paper]
- F. Hernando, T. Høholdt, D. Ruano: List decoding of matrix-product codes from nested codes: an application to quasi-cyclic codes. Advances in Mathematics of Communications. Volume 6, Issue 3, pages 259-272 (2012). [postprint] [paper]
- O. Geil, C. Munuera, D. Ruano, F. Torres: On the order bounds for one-point AG codes. Advances in Mathematics of Communications. Volume 5, Issue 3, pages 489-504 (2011). [postprint] [paper]
- F. Hernando, D. Ruano: New linear codes from matrix-product codes with polynomial units. Advances in Mathematics of Communications. Volume 4, Issue 3, pages 363-367 (2010). [postprint] [paper]
- F. Hernando, K. Lally, D. Ruano: Construction and decoding of matrix-product codes from nested codes. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing. Volume 20, Issue 5, pages 497-507 (2009). [postprint] [paper]
- D. Ruano: On the structure of generalized toric codes. Journal of Symbolic Computation. Volume 44, Issue 5, pages 499-506 (2009). [postprint] [paper (open access)]
- D. Ruano: On the parameters of r-dimensional toric codes. Finite Fields and their Applications. Volume 13, Issue 4, pages 962-976 (2007). [postprint] [paper (open access)]
- D. Ruano: Computing the Feng-Rao distances for codes from order domains. Journal of Algebra. Volume 309, Issue 2, pages 672-682 (2007). [postprint] [paper (open access)]
- D. Ruano, D.E. Lucani, O. Geil: Accelerated Processing for Maximum Distance Separable Codes using Composite Field Extensions. US2019/0109603A1 (2019). [US Patent & TO] [Google Patents]
Selected peer reviewed conference papers:
- E. Camps-Moreno, H.H. López, G.L. Matthews, D. Ruano, R. San-José, I. Soprunov: Binary Triorthogonal and CSS-T Codes for Quantum Error Correction. 2024 60th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. Urbana IL USA, pages 01-06 (2024). [preprint] [paper]
- D. Ruano: Algebraic coding theory and some of its applications. In Proceedings of EACA 2022 XVII meeting on computational algebra and its applications. Edited by C. Galindo, P. Giménez, F. Hernando, F.J. Monserrat, J.J. Moyano Fernández, pages 25-31 (2022). [ebook]
- Ş. Bodur, E. Martínez-Moro, D. Ruano: Private Information Schemes Using Cyclic Codes. In: Arithmetic of Finite Fields. WAIFI 2022. Mesnager, S., Zhou, Z. (eds). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13638. Springer, pages 194-207 (2023). [preprint] [paper]
- D. Ruano, D.E. Lucani, O. Geil: Accelerated Processing for Maximum Distance Separable Codes using Composite Extension Fields. In: European Wireless 2019; 25th European Wireless Conference. Aarhus, Denmark. VDE Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-8007-4948-5 (2019). [eprint] [paper]
- R. Matsumoto, D. Ruano: Geometric and Computational Approach to Classical and Quantum Secret Sharing. In: Applications of Computer Algebra. ACA 2015. Kotsireas I., Martínez-Moro E. (eds). Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 198. Springer, pages 267-272 (2017). [eprint] [paper]
- O. Geil, R. Matsumoto, D. Ruano: List decoding algorithms based on Gröbner bases for general one-point AG codes. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pages 86-90 (2012). [postprint] [paper]
- P. Beelen, D. Ruano: The order bound for toric codes. Applied algebra, algebraic algorithms, and error-correcting codes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5527. Springer, Berlin, pages 1-10 (2009). [postprint] [paper]
- E. Martínez-Moro, C. Munuera, D. Ruano: editors of the book, Advances in Algebraic Geometry Codes. Series on Coding Theory and Cryptography - Vol. 5, 452 pages. World Scientific. ISBN 978-981-279-400-0 (2008). [ebook]
- E. Martínez-Moro, C. Munuera, D. Ruano: Gröbner bases: Applications to Algebraic Coding Theory (in Spanish). Venezuelan School of Mathematics, 125 pages. Edited by Venezuelan Mathematical Society, ISBN: 978-980-261-087-7 (2007). [ebook]
Book chapters:
- D. Ruano: The metric structure of linear codes. In Singularities, Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, and Related Topics, pages 537-561. Editors: G.-M. Greuel, L. Narváez Macarro, S. Xambó-Descamps. Springer Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-319-96826-1 (2018). [eprint] [paper]
- E. Martínez-Moro, D. Ruano: Mattson Solomon transform and algebra codes. In Gröbner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography, pages 385-388. Editors: M. Sala, T. Mora, L. Perret, S. Sakata, C. Traverso. Springer Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-540-93805-7 (2009). [paper]
- E. Martínez-Moro, D. Ruano: Toric codes. Chapter 8 in Advances in Algebraic Geometry Codes, pages 295-322. Series on Coding Theory and Cryptography - Vol. 5. World Scientific. ISBN 978-981-279-400-0 (2008). [paper]
- P. Gimenez, D. Ruano, R. San-José: Saturation and vanishing ideals. In Proceedings of EACA 2022 XVII meeting on computational algebra and its applications. Edited by C. Galindo, P. Giménez, F. Hernando, F.J. Monserrat, J.J. Moyano Fernández, pages 95-98 (2022). [ebook]
- O. Geil, S. Martin, U. Martínez-Peñas, D. Ruano: Refined analysis of RGHWs of code pairs coming from Garcia-Stichtenoth's second tower. ACA 2015-Applications of Computer Algebra. Kalamata, Greece (2015).
- C. Galindo, F. Hernando, D. Ruano: Quantum codes with bounded minimum distance. ACA 2015-Applications of Computer Algebra. Kalamata, Greece (2015).
- R. Matsumoto, D. Ruano: Geometric and Computational Approach to Classical and Quantum Secret Sharing. ACA 2015-Applications of Computer Algebra. Kalamata, Greece (2015).
- O. Geil, S. Martin, U. Martínez-Peñas, R. Matsumoto, D. Ruano: On asymptotically good ramp secret sharing schemes. WCC-2015. The Ninth International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (2015).
- O. Geil, S. Martin, R. Matsumoto, D. Ruano, Y. Luo: Relative generalized Hamming weights of one-point algebraic geometric codes. In Proceedings of Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2014 IEEE, pages 137-141 (2014). [paper]
- I. Márquez-Corbella, E. Martínez-Moro, G.R. Pellikaan, D. Ruano: Computational Aspects of Retrieving a Representation of an Algebraic Geometry Code. In Proceedings of SCC-2012, the Third International Conference on Symbolic Computation and Cryptography (2012).
- P. Beelen, D. Ruano: Bounding the number of points on a curve using a generalization of Weierstrass semigroups. In Proceedings of WCC-2011. The Seventh International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (2011).
- S. Bulygin, O. Geil, D. Ruano: A Note on the Injection Distance (2009).
- F. Hernando, D. Ruano: Sixteen new linear codes with Plotkin sum (2008).
- D. Ruano: Generalized Toric Codes. In Book of abstracts of Tenth meeting on computational algebra and its applications-EACA 2006, pages 151-154. Edited by F.J. Castro Jiménez, J.M. Ucha Enríquez. ISBN: 84-611-2311-5 (2006).
- D. Ruano: Some algorithms for computing the minimum distance. In Proceedings of Fifth Spanish meeting on discrete mathematics and algorithmics, pages 421-428. Edited by Edgar Martínez-Moro. ISBN: 84-8448-380-0 (2006).
- I. Merillas-Santos, D. Ruano: Richardson Model-Maple Session. In Mathematical Models and Dynamical Processes: First contact (in Spanish), S. Pérez-Cacho, F.M. Gómez, J.M. Marbán, pages: 216-219. Edited by University of Valladolid. ISBN: 84-8448-186-7 (2002).
Diego studied Mathematics at the Universities of Valladolid (2002) and Kaiserslautern (2003, double degree program). He obtained a PhD degree in Mathematics at the University of Valladolid in 2007. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Kaiserslautern (2007) and a H.C. Ørsted postdoc fellow at the Technical University of Denmark (2008). He has been an assistant professor (2009-2012) and an associate professor (2013-2018) at Aalborg University. Diego has been a Ramón-y-Cajal fellow (2018-2023) and, since June 2023, he is an associate professor at IMUVA-Mathematics Research Institute, University of Valladolid.
Here (and also here) you can see me at AAECC-18 (Fortunately, I was not misbehaving at that moment).
And here another picture, this time not so blurred.
I am a member of the European (EMS) and Spanish (RSME) mathematical societies.