
Virtual Campus at UVa

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PhD & Postdoc Courses

1/09/2014 Introducción a los anillos finitos y sus aplicaciones, Course at Escuela Venezolana de Matemáticas y Escuela Matemática de América Latina y el Caribe (EMALCA) Mérida, Venezuela (1-5 Sept. 2014).

Spring 2013 EKU coding theory seminar, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, US.

July 2011 A case study of the combinatorics of linear codes with SAGE at the Applied Computational Algebraic Geometric Modelling summer school Leuven, Belgium.

29/11/2008 Basic Algebraic Geometric codes, Course at CIMAT, (Guanajuato, Mexico). My slides (version 3.1) References: Mainly in Pellikaan's home page.

2/7/2008 Groebner basis and algebraic coding theory (With P. Fitzpatrick) , Course at S3CM 2008: "Algebraic coding theory", (Soria, Spain). My slides

Soria Summer School on Computational Mathematics . 2008-2009-2010.

1/9/2007 Bases de Gröbner: aplicaciones a la codificación. Escuela Venezolana de Matemáticas, Mérida, Venezuela.

Bachillerato de excelencia

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