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  • Manuel B. Branco, Ignacio Ojeda, José Carlos Rosales
    Arithmetic varieties of numerical semigroups. Results in Mathematics 79, 171 (2024) arXiv:2311.13500 [math.AC]. 
  • José Luis Bravo, Manuel Fernández, Ignacio Ojeda
    Hilbert number for a family of piecewise nonautonomous equations. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 23, article n. 119, 2024 arXiv:2307.15578 [math.DS]. 
  • José Luis Bravo, Manuel Fernández, Ignacio Ojeda
    Stability of singular limit cycles for Abel equations revisited Journal of Differential Equations 379 (15), 2024. arXiv:2302.13642 [math.CA].  
  • Isabel Colaço, Ignacio Ojeda
    Minimal free resolution of generalized repunit algebras. Communications in Algebra (2024) arXiv:2312.06013 [math.AC]. 
  • Susana Furtado, Charles R. Johnson, Carlos Marijuán , Miriam Pisonero
    Square matrices with the inverse diagonal property, Kuwait Journal Sciences, 51 (2024) 100125 
  • E. R. García Barroso, J. I. García-García, L. J. Santana Sánchez, A. Vigneron-Tenorio
    On p-Frobenius of affine semigroups. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 21, 90 (2024) 
  • J.I. García-García, D. Marín-Aragón, A. Sánchez-Loureiro, Vigneron-Tenorio, A.
    Some properties of affine C-semigroups. Results in Mathematics 79, 52. arXiv:2305.05044 [math.RA] 
  • Ignacio García-Marco, Pedro A. García Sánchez, Ignacio Ojeda, Christos Tatakis
    Universally free numerical semigroups. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 228(5), 2024. arXiv:2303.06474 [math.AC].  
  • Raheleh Jafari, Ignacio Ojeda
    On the depth of simplicial affine semigroup rings. Collectanea Mathematica, 2024.arXiv:2307.16501 [math.CA].  
  • Charles R. Johnson, Carlos Marijuán, Miriam Pisonero, Illya M. Spitkovsky
    Diagonal entries of inverse of diagonally dominant matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications 692 (2024) 84-91. 
  • Carlos Marijuán, Julio Moro
    A characterization of sets realizable by compensation in the SNIEP, Linear Algebra and its Applications 693 (2024) 425-447. 
  • Carlos Marijuán, Ricardo L. Soto
    Diagonalizbly realizable implies universally realizable, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 40, 382-395, April 2024