The Royal Spanish Mathematical Society RSME commemorates the centennial of its founding. In this connection, the society has invited the presidents of the national member societies of the EMS to a meeting in the weekeend May 7-8, 2011 to take place in Bilbao. This is the fourth meeting of a very informative and succesful series of meetings in Luminy (2008), Warsaw (2009) and Bucharest (2010); the latter had to be cancelled officially because of the volcanic ashes disrupting air traffic; nevertheless, an informal meeting gathered several of the presidents.

Venue and Schedule of the Meeting

The Meeting of Presidents of European Mathematical Societies will take place at the New Auditorium of the University of Basque Country, EHU/UPV, Bizkaia Aretoa, Avenida Abandoibarra 3, Bilbao. The Auditorium is very close to the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum, and also to the City Centre. Participants are expected to arrive on Friday 6th and leave on Sunday 8th. The Meeting will start at 15.00 on Saturday 7th and end at 13.00 on Sunday 8th.

Organizing Committee

Antonio Campillo (RSME, Valladolid), Stephen Huggett (EMS, Plymouth), Marta Sanz-Solé (EMS, Barcelona), Luis Vega (RSME, Bilbao)