Booklet of Abstracts -- Conference's photos and videos -- Post ACA Cfp

Index: Important dates -- Talk Submission (Closed) -- Twitter -- Sponsors

Important Dates

Call for Special Sessions deadline Jan. 16, 2015
extended to Feb. 27, 2015
Talk Submission deadline May 15, 2015
extended to June 5, 2015.
Notification of acceptance June 10, 2015
Camera-ready version due July 1, 2015
Workshop July 20–23, 2015

Submission of Special Sessions Proposals

The ACA meetings are organized as a series of Special Sessions. The Special Sessions proposals for the ACA 2015 Conference should be submitted to the Program Chair of the Conference, Edgar Martínez-Moro.

A proposal for a Special Session has to include:
  • The title of the Special Session,
  • a short abstract describing the Special Session,
  • contact information of the organizers.
The Special Sessions proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee (i.e. the ACA working group) as they come. Early submissions are strongly encouraged, since early acceptance and publication of the sessions are a big help for people to plan on attending the session/meeting. For examples of past sessions, consult past ACA conferences. For more details see Instructions for Organizing a Special Session.

Submission of your Talk

Please contact the sesion organizers and follow the instructions on the session web page for sending the abstract of your talk Sessions web page's link.

Theme by grilldan.